Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well. No really, the title says just about as much as it doesn't. And by this, I mean that I'm not REALLY as lazy as I seem [well, ok...maybe I'm a tad lazier than I ought to be]. In my defense, this is not my only blog [I was convinced to start another elsewhere, and therein lies the problem: too many blogs, not enough time, and an excess of hormones [oh wait, did that slip out?].

Anyway, the whole 'Hello World then disappear' thing was sorta lame, so I'll try to make up for it.

Eventually, I'll find the link to my other blog, and then we'll have a happy little self-referential party. But in the meantime...a quick update on me.

I was....deferred from MIT [still in the running!]. Concurrently, I redesigned my entire client application for Nebula [, but the website is WAY out of date. Check back in about a month to see what it really is. ;) ] I also took my Calculus BC midterm, and was mildly irritated to lose 2 points. My only defense is that 40 page tests are very long. In any event, I'm now in the final 3 week slog for the last grading period that will be seen by MIT [and, incidentally, several other colleges...but MIT is the important one].

Wish me luck! I get one more letter [where I more or less explain that I'm awesome, MIT is awesome, we're both awesome, we should definitely hang out for the next 5 years! [explanation: I'm eyeing a 5-year masters in CS/EE]], and then it's out of my hands. Good grades, solid app, time to roll the dice! Metaphorically, of course, the dice are really already rolled. And in any event...Here's to hoping I can be as cool as Yan! [go stalk the MIT admissions blog if you don't know who she is. She's pretty cool. :P ]

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hello World!

Welcome, me.

I'll jump right in, because that's what I do. And also, I don't really have that terribly much time [read: I should be doing homework, but am not. And by not, I mean I'm creating a blog instead]. I'll assume that you've [yes, that's right. The dreaded second person. Hold on to your pants!] read the about me post (which, ironically enough, doesn't exist yet. But hey...kudos for temporally confused cross references, right?).

However, I'll still give some intro info, and if it overlaps, the sky will fall, volcanoes will explode, and the land of 'Life Goes On' will have one more convert.

My name is Elias - I shan't give my last name in the off chance that my parents ever find my blog. I don't really mind, but they're the persnickety security sort of folks [and who knows! you might be a pedophile. :P] Not to worry. I don't think you're a pedophile. On the other hand, if you keep looking at me in that tone of voice, I'll have to get rambunctious with you [oh, the joy of an assertive writing style. It just makes you feel all tingly, doesn't it? Well. It makes ME feel tingly. Then again, that could be sugar.]

As you may have noticed, I have a joy for parentheticals, but I prefer to mix it up, making use of square brackets (and even some squigly ones too! {I know. This is too much for the first post. But hey! Gotta start strong!})

Now for some information that couldn't have been garnered simply by the process of breathing. I live in suburbia, and am currently a junior in high school. However, the previous sentence contains some misinformation. While I am a junior, I've grown disillusioned and more than disillusioned with my school system [note that I am writing a BLOG entry rather than doing homework], and have come to the conclusion that senior year is entirely overrated. I'd rather be at college.

That said, I've picked my schools [MIT, Harvard, Carnegie-Mellon, RPI, BU], and have applied. So it might be said that I'm a junior [actually. It's said all the time], but in reality I view myself as a quasi....junior. No really, no senior about it. I'm just not going there. I'll be a senior in college, and that's enough for me. [Insert old people joke here....hahahaha. It was very funny. I laughed.]

Where was I? [Please note that this was rhetorical. I am capable of scrolling up the page] Oh yes - myself. So, MIT has this cool blog site for the Admissions department, and I've been reading [read:stalking] them for the past few months. And guess what? I LOVE IT. It's an amazing thing to have insight into the lives of people who are like you [and not so like you, in some cases], and I'd love to have that be me one day. the interest of full disclosure [because....well], I actually have an ulterior motive. And by ulterior, I mean that I'm scheming already to BE one of those bloggers next year [this is, of course, dependent on my getting in. Which I will. Have I mentioned that I suffer from hubris and optimism simultaneously? {The glass isn't half empty. Fool - the glass is twice as big as it needs to be!}]

You may have noticed by now that I have a tendency to close my parenthesis. Regardless of how many there are. Yes, you caught me. I'm a programmer through and through, and the thought [yes, this is contrived (I know. It's bad] of having an unclosed parenthesis like in the previous statement bothers me. You have no idea how much.

Now, I needs must cease my time wasting, and begin my tooling. Oh yes. Another thing. I will use MIT terminology [or is it phrasology....*rubs chin*] with frequency. Reason? BECAUSE. I CAN.

And by that, I mean I can until I get rejected. [Which I won't.]

Ta ta for now!