Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well. No really, the title says just about as much as it doesn't. And by this, I mean that I'm not REALLY as lazy as I seem [well, ok...maybe I'm a tad lazier than I ought to be]. In my defense, this is not my only blog [I was convinced to start another elsewhere, and therein lies the problem: too many blogs, not enough time, and an excess of hormones [oh wait, did that slip out?].

Anyway, the whole 'Hello World then disappear' thing was sorta lame, so I'll try to make up for it.

Eventually, I'll find the link to my other blog, and then we'll have a happy little self-referential party. But in the meantime...a quick update on me.

I was....deferred from MIT [still in the running!]. Concurrently, I redesigned my entire client application for Nebula [, but the website is WAY out of date. Check back in about a month to see what it really is. ;) ] I also took my Calculus BC midterm, and was mildly irritated to lose 2 points. My only defense is that 40 page tests are very long. In any event, I'm now in the final 3 week slog for the last grading period that will be seen by MIT [and, incidentally, several other colleges...but MIT is the important one].

Wish me luck! I get one more letter [where I more or less explain that I'm awesome, MIT is awesome, we're both awesome, we should definitely hang out for the next 5 years! [explanation: I'm eyeing a 5-year masters in CS/EE]], and then it's out of my hands. Good grades, solid app, time to roll the dice! Metaphorically, of course, the dice are really already rolled. And in any event...Here's to hoping I can be as cool as Yan! [go stalk the MIT admissions blog if you don't know who she is. She's pretty cool. :P ]